Epilepsy Behavioral Health Special Interest Group (SIG)

The Epilepsy Behavioral Health Special Interest Group (SIG) focuses on psychosocial and behavioral health factors that impact youth with epilepsy.
Behavioral Health SIG Leaders: Shannon Brothers, PhD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, and Hillary Kimbley, PhD, Children’s Health
Our projects
Creating information resources to aid youth transition to adult care
Stigma reduction in YWE
Working towards a partnership with AES Mental Health workgroup. Workgroup is focused on building a resource bank of inexpensive and psychometrically sound mental health screening tools for epilepsy providers to assess mental health comorbidities in epilepsy patients.
Continuing to build an epilepsy psychosocial resource bank to easily share information and resources across organizations.
Where: Society for Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference 2021
Topic: Demystifying an adherence problem-solving intervention: An in-depth exploration of family-identified adherence barriers and solutions
View: Williford et al._vSPPAC2021_AbstractPoster_FINAL
Where: Society for Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference 2022
Topic: A social norms adherence intervention for adolescents with epilepsy: The Behavioral Economic Adherence for Teens (BEAT) Trial
View: BEAT TRIAL RESULTS_poster winner 1
Member meetings
To join a Special Interest Group (SIG), please contact PERC’s Executive Director, Jane Zeender, at janeedperc@gmail.com. In order to join PERC, your institution must be a member, which currently involves the signing of a Memo of Understanding and a commitment from each member institution to actively participate in one or more SIGs. PERC’s Special Interest Groups typically meet via Zoom on a regular basis, in addition to meeting in person at national epilepsy conferences.