Become a Member
If you are interested in joining PERC, please contact Jane M. Zeender, Executive Director, at Joining PERC involves an authorized member of your institution signing a non-binding Memo of Understanding, which is outlined below. There are currently no membership fees involved in participating in PERC.
Member organization agrees to:
- Designate one or more individuals to serve as its representative and actively participate in PERC meetings.
- Commit to sending a minimum of one individual from the institution to PERC’s Annual Retreat the first Thursday and Friday in May of each year and PERC’s Annual Meeting during the American Epilepsy Society national conference.
- Abide by PERC’s bylaws.
- Abide by decisions made by the PERC Steering Committee and Board of Directors.
Individuals agree to:
- Join one or more of PERC’s currently active Special Interest Groups (
- Attend 75% or more of virtual or in-person SIG meetings each calendar year.
- Contribute to the research that your SIG is working on.
- Follow PERC’s authorship guidelines for publications.
- Support research in pediatric epilepsy that aspires to be practice-changing, publishable, and fundable or lead to future funding opportunities.
- Treat all information that consists of proprietary and/or confidential information as such.
- Be collegial, respectful, and supportive in working together to advance PERC’s mission.
PERC agrees to:
- Convene and facilitate two annual meetings to enable Members to collaborate. This includes PERC’s Annual Meeting the first Thursday and Friday of each May, and a dedicated meeting during the AES National Conference in December.
- Convene and support the work of the Special Interest Groups. This includes scheduling monthly virtual meetings and communications related to these groups.
- Assist with identifying funding for activities that result from PERC collaboration.
- Assist in building multi-center networks to address research projects.
- Provide mentoring opportunities for both mentors and mentees.
- Support networking opportunities within and across the Special Interest Groups.
Benefits of being in PERC:
- Ability to work with colleagues across the country on topics of interest through the Special Interest Groups
- Ability to identify and recruit patients from multiple institutions for research purposes
- Ability to use multicenter data to answer pressing questions in pediatric epilepsy and contribute to practice-changing research
- Enhanced reputation of the epilepsy center
- Mentoring from established leaders in the field
- Increased ability to secure research funding
- Ability for clinicians to participate in research and advance their own scholarly activities